
Blogging a nation

March 18, 2008
Placeholder image!

Although it's not officially affiliated with the government, this rather sweet site dedicated to the Republic of Kosova (30 days old today!) seems to me to represent an intriguing development in international politics—internet diplomacy.

Taking it upon themselves to speak for their nation, the site's organizers are running a real-time list of gratitude dedicated to those countries that have recognized the Republic and those who have indicated their intention to do so—as well as some handy facts and figures. Did you know that countries that formally recognize Kosova make up 66.39 per cent of the World's Total nominal GDP?

In an age when what people find out at the click of a mouse has an intimate long-term relationship with what they believe to be true, this web-based scrapbook of a fledgling nation is doing its bit for Kosova's legitimacy, and represents a real-time record of the process that will make or break the Republic. It may not change the world, or melt cold Russian hearts. But the message at the top of the page really is rather endearing…