
Tactical voting’s time has come

Vote for MPs who will hold the government to account on Brexit

April 26, 2017
Gina Miller ©Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire/PA Images
Gina Miller ©Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire/PA Images

Voting tactically or strategically is normally seen as a last resort—something promoted to ensure the defeat of a greater evil.

Since the results of the first round of France’s presidential election came through, eliminated mainstream candidates have been eagerly endorsing the centrist Emmanuel Macron, recommending their followers support the centrist against Marine Le Pen. This is the norm for France’s run-off style election, and this year in particular, the country’s divided electorate will be holding their noses and voting for a candidate who, as they see it, is sub-optimum.

But while the scenario in Britain’s elections is quite different, people are increasingly curious and talking about tactical voting strategies when it comes to one of the most important issues on our political landscape.

In the upcoming 8th June general election, the dominant topic will be Brexit, no matter how much people may wish it to be otherwise. At such a time, simple campaigning and voting along traditional and tribal lines seems out of step.

Most MPs in the previous parliament did not back Brexit, but the two main parties are now committed to Britain leaving the European Union, with little meaningful debate about what it all means in practical terms. Now they are being asked to be crystal gazers and campaign based on a future scenario they cannot predict.

Our parliamentary system relies on electing MPs who have the courage to stand by their principles, ask questions, and hold the government to account. We need MPs to be strong and open minded. The idea that parliament should simply rubber-stamp Brexit reduces democracy to a mere footnote.

That is why I am proud to be heading up Best for Britain. A grassroots movement that wants to ensure that the best Brexit deal is achieved, with all options being on the table.

We feel voters should not vote simply along traditional party lines but for individual MPs who want to stop a damaging hard Brexit. In practice, this means voting for those who are in favour of a meaningful parliamentary vote on the Brexit deal the government comes back with at the end of the negotiations period. Both parties have committed to a parliamentary vote—but we want MPs to have the confidence to reject any deal which isn’t up to scratch.

Thoughtful MPs can come from different backgrounds and different parties. This is about more than politics, it is about principles. There isn’t time to organise a progressive alliance formally, as has been suggested by some MPs like Caroline Lucas. We want to build the biggest tactical voting effort in UK history.

It’s clear there’s a real appetite for a new way of doing politics: since the GoFundme page was launched just a week ago, nearly 10,000 people have donated over £300,000 and the volunteering offers are flooding in. A sign that people across the country feel positive and confident enough to support an initiative in favour of democracy and debate in order to achieve one simple outcome—whatever is Best for Britain.