
Final post from DC; just back from the mall

January 20, 2009
Well, hello there, Mr President
Well, hello there, Mr President

Just got back to my apartment after watching Barack Obama's swearing in, from the steps below The Capital.  The mood was euphoric, with a dash of relief that came as soon as President Obama—that feels good to type, doesn't it?—completed the oath of office.  After 8 years of Bush, I, and i think most of the others there, will need time to find the words to describe the joyful feeling of hearing my president, our president, talk about confidence, and curiosity, and even markets that might increase the reach of prosperity, and not just the reach of the already prosperous.

One downer was Rick Warren. I'm not a fan, but his invocation was espeically bad. I turned my back when he spoke, in a quiet protest at his stance on marriage and equality for homosexuals. Sadly, that didn't keep me from hearing the drivel-laden sermon he gave to kick off proceedings.  Want to read a good prayer?  I highly recommend the blessing Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson, the openly gay Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire gave at the "We Are One" concert on Sunday.  I'm not Episcopalian and have mixed feelings about that radical and controversial faith, but in all seriousness it's beautiful and inspiring: http://www.nhepiscopal.org. Even for non-believers, today is a good day for such things.