
Today's top links

June 17, 2007
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Playing Warcraft for fun and profit. The New York Times explores the lot of "Chinese gold farmers": young gamers in China who play the lower levels of World of Warcraft and other online games, then sell on their winnings to cash-rich, time-poor western gamers. The article makes it sound less like an adolescent's dream job and more like fairly grim, sweatshop-type work. It also reveals that many workers spend their time off gaming.

The perils of blogging. Academic Daniel Drezner linked to this report in the Boston Globe which is a cautionary tale on blogging about your job—and your malpractice lawsuits. I wasn't a regular reader of Flea's blog (which is now offline) but I hope he resumes blogging.

Battle robots. This Washington Post article (actually from May, but we didn't have a blog back then) is on the contribution of robots to the US army in Afghanistan and Iraq. Go robots!