
Heil, Comrade! - Prospect reviews Baader Meinhof

November 18, 2008
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The Baader Meinhof Complex is out in cinemas this week, part of a  new cinematic movement for "terror chic." It joins recent pics on Verges, the terrorist lawyer, and Colombian FARC. (A forthcoming biopic also promises to deal with Carlos the Jackal, starring Javier Bardem.) Bombs apart, it is also an intriguing further development in what someone has presumably called the "new German cinema." From the same stable as the excellent (and much parodied) Downfall, it continues Germany's re-engagement with many of its most problematic episodes. But, as Prospect contributor Hans Kundnani argues in his review, this flashy and violent film fails to deal with one of the odder episodes of Germany's recent history: left wing antisemitism. Read the review here; and comment below if you've seen the film and have thoughts to share.