In fact

February 20, 1997

The US presidential campaign cost $800m-less than a third of the $2.5 billion spent by Americans to celebrate Halloween. [The New Republic, 18th November 1996]

Over the past five years, the Singaporean economy has grown by 90 per cent. [Charles Hampden- Turner, University of Cambridge]

The US General Accounting Office estimates that there are 250,000 attacks on Pentagon computer systems each year, of which 65 per cent are "successful." [The World Today, January 1997]

The number of seven and eight year olds walking to school on their own has fallen from 80 per cent in 1971 to 9 per cent in 1991. [Effective overnment Structures for Children, Gulbenkian Foundation 1996]

Global life expectancy will have risen by more than 50 per cent within the lifespan of a typical baby boomer, up from 46 years in 1950 to 72 years in 2020. [Foreign Affairs, November 1996]

l In 1992, only 165,000 of the 10.3m violent crimes committed in the US led to convictions. [Times Literary Supplement, 10th January 1997]