Welcome to another thought-provoking episode of Prospect Lives! This month, Sarah, our host and author of the Mindful Life column, guides us through a tapestry of diverse perspectives on modern life, as our family of writers reflect on their unique experiences and challenge.
In this episode, we explore a wide range of topics, from burnout to new beginnings. Gen Z-er Alice Garnett opens up about her chaotic summer while Anglican priest Alice Goodman connects with her parishioners while navigating personal vulnerability.
Farmer Tom Martin voices cautious optimism about the new Labour government's impact on agriculture, despite some lingering doubts.Actor and writer Sheila Hancock offers insights on the art of retiring gracefully, inspired by high-profile figures like Biden and Murray.
Meanwhile, sex worker and writer Tilly Lawless contrasts societal attitudes toward her profession in the UK with those in Australia. And sports journalist Emma John shares her latest passion—ballroom dancing—amidst the global buzz surrounding Australian break dancer Raygun at the Olympics.