In fact

Turn your world upside down
October 21, 2009

Abraham Lincoln was a bankrupt, as was Ulysses S Grant, Thomas Jefferson (several times) and William McKinley (three years before becoming president). Mental Floss blog, 18th November 2008 The World Health Organisation has a Women’s Orgasm Committee. “Why Women Have Sex,” by Cindy M Meston and David M Buss In Detroit, the average sale price of a house is $7,100. Wall Street Journal, 26th September 2009 The Conservatives have lost nearly a quarter of their members since December 2005. They have 145,000 party members, compared with 1.5m in 1975. In 1996, Labour had 400,000 members; now it has 150,000. The Guardian, 22nd September 2009 News of the battle of Trafalgar took 17 days to travel the 1,100 miles to London—a speed of 2.7 mph. A Farewell to Alms by Gregory Clark In the US, 12 per cent of postmen have college degrees. NPR, 1st September 2009 In England, 22 of the 25 areas with the highest rate for antidepressant prescriptions are in the north; 23 of the 25 areas with the lowest rates are in the London area. Blackpool has the highest rate and Kensington and Chelsea the lowest. Mental Health Foundation Dan Brown’s first four novels are now the first, second, third and fourth bestselling adult paperback novels in British history. The Times, 15th September 2009 Didier Drogba studied accountancy. Didier Drogba’s Facebook website