In fact

Cliff Richard calendars, the state of our hedgehogs and Japan's adult adoptees
October 19, 2011

On average, every hour of TV watched after the age of 25 reduces the viewer’s life expectancy by 21.8 minutes. People who spend six hours a day watching TV live 4.8 years less than those who watch none. British Journal of Sports Medicine website, 15th August 2011

In the last ten years, the British hedgehog population has dropped over 25 per cent. The state of Britain’s hedgehogs 2011

In Japan, 98 per cent of adoptees are adults—usually a man who, in return for an inheritance, agrees to take the adopting family’s name. “Adoptive Expectations: Rising Sons in Japanese Family Firms” by Vikas Mehrotra et al, National Bureau of Economic Research

Planning approval has been granted for a Tesco store in Harrogate, the last postcode in mainland Britain without one. Yorkshire Post, 7th September 2011

Apple’s market capitalisation is $340bn— more than the economy of Singapore, or all the illegal drugs in the world.

Fifteen per cent of European monarchs who lived between 600 and 1800 were murdered. Their risk of violent death was more than 700 times greater than that of their subjects and seven times greater than young black American males today. The British Journal of Criminology, Volume 51, Issue 3

In Britain, “growing apart” (27 per cent) has replaced infidelity (25 per cent) as the top reason given for marriage breakdown. Grant Thornton Matrimonial Survey 2011

Last year, Cliff Richard sold more calendars on than any other male celebrity. Daily Mail, 5th September 2011