
Ali Allawi's warning: last gasp for global Islam

September 08, 2009
Islamic modernity: a mass of ugly self-contradictions
Islamic modernity: a mass of ugly self-contradictions

Now free to read on our website is a piece from Prospect's current issue by the writer and novelist Robin Yassin-Kassab, looking at former Iraqi minister Ali A Allawi's book The Crisis of Islamic Civilization. Allawi offers a stark warning, Yassin-Kassab argues, that Islam across the world "experienced a traumatic rupture rather than an evolution into modernity." And the consequence has been the poisonous and paradoxical emergence of a series of regimes focused on religiosity at the expense of genuine ethical and spiritual striving—states whose notion of "revival" focuses on "naked symbols and rules… while adopting indiscriminately the technology, economics and cultural products of the west."

You can read and discuss the piece here.