If you ruled the world

We asked Prospect readers to tell us on Twitter what they would do if they had absolute power. Here are this month's best suggestions
October 17, 2013
@Audfromthewest I’d put women in charge, to bring more empathy and less conflict to the world!

Jay Thompson (@boffchops) No borders. No countries, only provinces. One Bill of Rights. One currency. One language. @SpinningHugo Free movement of persons, goods and capital. Global taxation. That, and standardised electrical plugs. Chris Barber (@ChrisBa1965) I would settle world disputes with a game of Kerplunk. @Thanabur I would provide uncapped tax benefits on donations to charities around the world. Gabe (@GabbisHavok) I would eliminate the system of money. The earth provides for free. Murray Paton (@mpaton23) I'd increase tweet lengths to 141 characters.