
The best surveys of the last ten years

February 28, 2008
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Bored beyond tears by the kind of pieces that begin "we asked a hundred people what they thought about…," I've asked myself and the two people who sit nearest me what the best surveys of the last ten years have been. It's a bold, crowded field, but on the basis on exhausting and massively inconclusive analysis conducted sporadically when I have nothing better to do, I'm now in a position to reveal our very own top five:

5. God tops list of most-desired phone-calls.

4. Japanese women's hair predicts economic downturns.

3. Ugly people flock to Philadelphia.

2. Americans suspect Scotland may not have microwaves or the internet.

1. 27% of people think that it's stupid that it's illegal to die in the houses of Parliament.
And 100% of journalists are grateful that there's a foolproof method for turning opinions into facts simply by counting them. Vote now to let Prospect know your own favourite…