Severely depressed people eat twice as much chocolate per month (11.8 servings) than the non-depressed (5.4 servings). Wall Street Journal, 27th April 2010

In Britain, 670,000 households receive over £15,600 a year in benefits—£13bn in total, more than the annual home office budget. Department for work and pensions

Americans have bought more tickets to this World Cup than any other visiting nation. Financial Times, 11th June 2010

Worldwide, life expectancy is increasing by five hours a day. “The Rational Optimist” by Matt Ridley

Nick Clegg’s White Russian great-uncle was clubbed to death by his peasants. The Times, 18th May 2010

Roman Abramovich’s yacht Eclipse has a missile defence system. The Huffington Post, 20th April 2010

In 2009, 906,464 people took the British citizenship test—and one third failed. BBC News website, 27th May 2010

There are more vegetarians than Catholics at American universities. Jonathan Safran Foer

Women now account for nearly a third of working priests in the Church of England. New Yorker, 26th April 2010

George Washington’s salary was 2 per cent of the total US budget in 1769. 24/7 Wall Street, 17th May 2010

If half of those who voted Ukip in the 19 seats that the Tories most narrowly missed had voted Conservative instead, David Cameron would have a majority of two. Sunday Times, 9th May 2010